Government of Canada

• Business Startups Checklist

• Financing your new business

• Private sector financing



• Canada Business Ontario > Business start-up guide

Employment Law Manual 

• Consumer Law


useful links


• "The BOSTON CHICKEN Trademark Case: Use It or Lose It", published in Franchise and Distribution Journal (Federated Press), Volume X, No. 1, December, 2003
• "Bioinformatics and Biotechnology: Legal Issues" published in The Boarding Pass: An Entrepreneur's E-magazine, April, 2003
• "Avoid costly mistakes when doing business in the US," published in PLANT: Canada's Industry Newspaper, April, 2003
• "International Payment Disputes and How to Avoid Them", Paper and presentation at the INFONEX Conference: Practical Strategies for Export Finance: Exploring Proven Approaches for International Trade Finance, Toronto, December, 2002
• "US Export Sanctions and Canadian Counter-Measures: A Commercial Lawyer's Guide to Avoiding the Pitfalls", Panel Chair and Moderator at the Canadian Bar Association's 3rd Annual International Law Conference, Ottawa, May 30-31, 2002
• "Boilerplate Clauses in International Agreements: Not Mundane, Not So Standard", Paper and presentation at the Ontario Bar Association's Annual Institute program, How to Internationalize Your Commercial Contracts: Drafting Essentials, Toronto, January 24, 2002

published Articles / presentations

• “Lawyers, Guns and Money: Practising Law on The Fringes”, Program Organizer and Chair, Ontario Bar Association, Toronto, June 19, 2012

• “Innocent Dupes and Willing Participants: Ethics and Practise Management for the Cross-border Law Practitioner”, Program Organizer and Chair, Ontario Bar Association, Toronto, December 7, 2011
• “Managing Start-Ups: Secrets for Success”, Program Organizer and Chair, Licensing Executives Society, Toronto Chapter, February 18, 2010
• “Thorny Issues in Licensing: The Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement”, Program Organizer and Chair, Licensing Executives Society, Toronto Chapter, February 19, 2009
• "International License Agreements and Confidentiality Agreements", Paper and presentation at the Ontario Bar Association's 2008 Institute of Continuing Legal Education, Toronto, February 5, 2008
• "The Border Horror Show: Top Ten [Immigration] Situations for International Business Lawyers and Their Clients", Program Organizer and Chair, Ontario Bar Association, September 17, 2007
• "Success in Afghanistan? The Untold Story", Program Organizer and Chair, Ontario Bar Association, April 16, 2007
• “Licensing in China: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, Program Organizer and Chair, Licensing Executives Society, Toronto Chapter, April 21, 2006
• "Protecting Intellectual Property in China", Presentation at the conference, Passport to China: How Manufacturers Can Maximize Profits and Minimize Risks, Markham, Ontario, December 1, 2005
• "The 'China Factor': Winning Strategies for Canadian Manufacturers and Industry", Paper and presentation at The Canadian Institute Conference: Legal and Strategic Guide to Doing Business in China: Finding the Opportunities - Managing the Risks, Toronto, April 25 & 26, 2005
• "Governing Law and Jurisdiction Clauses in International Licensing Agreements: What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You," presentation to the Licensing Executives Society, Toronto Chapter, January 27, 2005
• "Doing Business in China: Success Strategies for Canadian Exporters and Outsourcers", paper and presentation at The Canadian Institute Conference: Legal and Strategic Guide to Doing Business in China, Toronto, April 19 & 20, 2004

By Elo Tulving Blais